85300000: Social work and related services
Detailed information about the contract
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Suffolk County Council (SCC) are currently working with Suffolk Family Carers to address any heightened stress or increased isolation as a direct result of caring during the Coronavirus pandemic lockdown. A fund has been established to be held by Suffolk Family Carers with the objective of sustaining family carer wellbeing, choice and control and thus preventing/delaying carer ill-health and crisis. SFC will respond initially by exploring wellbeing/resilience support mechanisms/opportunities for the family but if this proves insufficient Suffolk Family Carers may offer a sitting respite service.SCC has agreed with Suffolk Family Carers that such respite services should only be provided by domiciliary care services who are Care Quality Commission (CQC) registered and accredited with SCC. If you are interested in working with Suffolk to provide this support for family carers as part of the Covid response, please contact family.carers@suffolk.gov.uk by 24th March 2021 including "Time For Carers Suffolk Sourcing PIN" in the subject heading.
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