Steam Traps and Ancillary Equipment Servicing & Maintenance

50000000: Repair and maintenance services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Steam Traps and Ancillary Equipment Servicing & Maintenance

The University of Edinburgh is wishing to procure the services of a single Contractor to provide a comprehensive servicing, maintenance and reactive works service to the University covering the steam system traps and ancillary equipment, located across the various campuses’ buildings. This currently stands at 13 buildings in total, including laboratory and restricted areas. All work in laboratories must be carried out following the Guidance for University’s Maintenance Staff and Contractors working in Laboratories. Estimated term period: 2 years with options to extend the contract for a further 2 years (1+1). The Contractor shall undertake the service, testing and maintenance of the steam and condensate systems through undertaking the tasks in line with the University’s requirements and the manufacturer’s recommendations (Spirax Sarco, ARI, Bailey and Nabic. The majority of equipment models fall under Spirax Sarco). The Contractor shall take due account of the need to work without disruption to the operation of the buildings and their users. Out of normal hours working may be applicable for some teaching, staff and research areas. Any repair, remedial or replacement works shall include, as is necessary, all associated works such as electrical isolation, supplies and protection, and any plumbing or ancillary mechanical services work and undertake all testing and commissioning of the equipment / system and issue all relevant documentation (O&M Manuals, H&S File etc.). All parts and components shall be sourced from the plant or equipment original manufacturer. The Contractor during the first 6 months of the contract, shall identify spares required to be kept on site to minimise equipment downtime, these spares are to be agreed with the contract manager and maintained at the required stock level. During the Contract Term, the Contractor shall provide a Reactive Works call-out service to the University. The Contractor shall minimise the time that equipment is out of service following a breakdown or damage by ensuring the availability of trained and competent personnel who are able to respond promptly in the event of breakdown within the contracted time periods. All activities which install, remove, refurbish, maintain, mothball, put in service or remove assets from service will be required to undertake Asset Data Management duties. Through this service contract appointment the Contractor shall maintain an accurate database of their own and record asset information from maintenance visits. This database shall be aligned to the UoE Asset Management Guideline (AMG). To comply with the University’s Pressure Systems Safety Regulations (PSSR) 2000 Written Scheme of Examination, in programming the major annual services, the Contractor shall liaise with the University Estates and the Insurers so as to allow all necessary inspections to take place in unison with the service. The Contractor shall at all times keep engaged a competent person in charge who shall also act as the Contractor’s Representative/Supervisor and shall provide along with his tender submission the name, contact details and experience of the person (minimum of 5 years relevant experience working on steam and other pressurised systems) who will provide the single point of contact for the duration of the Contract. This individual should have appropriate experience both managerially and technically on similar sized contracts.

University Of Edinburgh
Date Published
50000000: Repair and maintenance services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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