FCDO Healthcare Review - Pilot SA&C

66512200: Health insurance services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

FCDO Healthcare Review - Pilot SA&C

Dear Service Provider, The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) is a global organisation of approximately 17,000 staff in 180+ locations around the world. This global presence means FCDO has a complex set of working arrangements, legal commitments and recruitment & retention considerations, including provision of healthcare to its locally employed staff, who are our staff employed by posts overseas on local employment contracts. Please note locally employed staff are not civil servants employed by the British Government.
We are exploring strategic options and ways to aggregate our individual requirements, where possible, to optimise value for money. FCDO are piloting this in the South American and Caribbean region, see Annex 1 for a breakdown of countries in this region FCDO currently source healthcare for its locally employed staff.
As part of our early market engagement, we are issuing this Prior Information Notice (PIN) to understand supply market capability and perspectives. The aim of the PIN is to help inform our commercial strategy and to gauge the interest and capability of suppliers in this market. You are invited to complete Annex 2 (outlined in description of procurement), submitting your interest and availability in attending a market engagement session. These sessions will be 1:1 between your organisation and FCDO Corporate Services Commercial team to discuss your service offering in this sector from 7th-10th March 2023 at the British Embassy in Mexico City. FCDO would like to take this as an opportunity to meet face to face although virtual meetings are being offered where meeting in person is not feasible.
Your input at this market engagement will help inform our procurement strategy and sourcing options going forward.
Please be advised that by responding to this PIN you agree to the following conditions: Obligations The purpose of this PIN is to gain an initial broad understanding of market capabilities in respect of the healthcare services sought. The FCDO makes no obligations or undertakings in any way to: Commence any procurement activity; or accept any PIN information received from suppliers; or any other commitment to suppliers whatsoever, including any intention to form a contract with any supplier for provision of this, or any other, future tender opportunity.
Costs of preparing the response All costs relating to the preparation and submission of a response are the sole responsibility of the supplier. The FCDO shall not pay the supplier, wholly or in part, for its response to this PIN. Suppliers to inform themselves The FCDO has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the PIN is accurate; however the FCDO gives no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the contained information. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience, with Annex 2 completed. We would be grateful if responses could be provided by 10:00 UK time on 24th February 2023.

Yours faithfully Simran Khurmy

Commercial Lead – Corporate Services People Pillar
Commercial Directorate Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Date Published
66512200: Health insurance services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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