48000000: Software package and information systems
Detailed information about the contract
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Suffolk County Council intends to conduct a procurement later in 2022 to award contract for a Management Information System (MIS) for Adult Learning Service. This notice is to announce the market engagement exercise for a better understand of the products that are available before the commencement of procurement process. Please complete this questionnaire by 8th April 2022: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=7GqcEEZQlUqPPIT2O6GK9L3r7aKrQUpJsyFCf6J_9C5UMFdVMTc4NEJDNEJHWTBCSzgzVjE3U0VOUC4u , this questionnaire will be the start of our market engagement exercise.
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