85300000: Social work and related services
Detailed information about the contract
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This is a Refresh of the Flexible Framework under the 'Light Touch Regime' in accordance with Regulations 74-76 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (further referred to as 'the Flexible Framework') for the purchase of Counselling in Schools Services. Existing Providers (admitted to the Framework in 2020) can submit anything that they wish to be re-evaluated. New Providers can submit a bid. The evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the original tender evaluation process. The Framework will operate until 31 October 2023 and will have the option of being for 12 months, should funding allow. (Maximum end date: 31 October 2024) The Contract Award details as published on 21 October 2020 can be found under Award Notice: FTS/OJEU Ref: 500626-2020 (2020/S 205-500626). The initial Framework period was extended from 31 Dec 2021 to 30 June 2022 as there was a need to gather further evaluative data (due to interruption to service implementation due to Covid-19).
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