85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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This Prior Information Notice has been published by the Procurement and Logistics Service (PaLS) Business Services Organisation (BSO) on behalf of the Strategic Planning and Performance Group (SPPG). The PIN is to inform the market that the SPPG are planning to procure the provision of Hearing Aid User Support Service (HAUSS) to Empower Adult Service Users in the use of Hearing Aids following issue, and therefore, wish to carry out pre tender market engagement with interested Providers. In the interests of transparency and equal treatment this paper-based approach i.e. Pre-Tender Market Engagement Paper, conducted in writing is being used for the purpose of pre tender market engagement in advance of any tender process. The purpose of this exercise is to engage with and receive feedback from the market by outlining the SPPG’s proposals for the delivery of a Hearing Aid User Support Service (HAUSS) to empower Adult Service Users in the use of Hearing Aids following issue, which includes key elements of the service, its procurement plans and requirements. The Paper, which includes a questionnaire, will be available on eTendersNI (https://etendersni.gov.uk) under resource ID:4731962 Please ensure you are registered with eTendersNI, see attached guide. Interested providers MUST submit their response to the questionnaire via eTendersNI by 15:00 on 20 March 2023. Any interest shown in the pre tender market engagement does not constitute a commitment to participate in a procurement exercise. Failure to show interest does not restrict providers from participating in any future procurement exercise. This Tender is governed by the Public Contract Regulations 2015. The service being tendered is classified as a ‘Social and other specific service’ therefore the Light Touch Regime (regulations 74-77) applies
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