85110000: Hospital and related services
Detailed information about the contract
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The Manchester South Coronial District covers 3 boroughs - Stockport, Tameside and Trafford. Stockport Council (SMBC) is the lead borough for the Coronial District. SMBC as lead authority in conjunction with HM Senior Coroner, via STAR Procurement, is conducting a Soft Market Testing exercise to understand the level of interest from capable organisations in providing a body storage service and potential body transportation service for in-hospital deaths where post mortem is required. The mortuary must be within all the below: • 30 miles of any postcode within the three boroughs; • No more than 60 minutes’ drive from any postcode within the three boroughs (during normal mid-morning traffic flow); • No more than 2 hours via public transport from any postcode within the three boroughs (during normal mid-morning traffic flow); This constraint is required due to the sensitive nature of this contract and the need for minimal disruption to relatives of the deceased when needing to attend the mortuary for identification purposes, and also for visiting purposes. The Senior Coroner has deemed this constraint as reasonable under these circumstances. Interested parties should download the Soft Market Testing Document from the Chest and complete and submit the questionnaire by midday on 20 April 2021 by returning the completed questionnaire using the messaging facility within The Chest. https://www.the-chest.org.uk Mortuary Services Reference DN531497
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