72300000: Data services
Detailed information about the contract
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Please see the link to the attached document in the contract finder notice which sets out the services required by the Department for Work and Pensions (the Buyer) and Department for Communities for Online Analytics Services. The primary focus of this Contract is to provide online, on demand information on customers who have an outstanding debt with the Buyer on behalf of the government. The aim is to ensure that the debt outstanding is pursued in a manner consistent with the financial and other circumstances of that customer, or for counter fraud investigations. Contract finder notice : https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/dd8d1149-3386-4ba3-a79c-13da3393acd0 To register your interest for the ‘Online Analytics’ service, please access the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire, pqq28923, ‘Online Analytics Service - Market Engagement’, on https://dwp.bravosolution.co.uk/ . The Pre-Qualification Questionnaire, pqq28923, is for registering of interest in the Market Engagement only. There is no questionnaire to complete at this stage although it may become relevant during a future tender. However, suppliers are asked to provide a short description of their proposed solution to inform the buyer during the market engagement.
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