Early Market Engagement :Delivery of the Overseas Registrants Exam - (Part 1 - Computer Based Exam and Part 2 Clinical Practical Exams)

80000000: Education and training services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Early Market Engagement :Delivery of the Overseas Registrants Exam - (Part 1 - Computer Based Exam and Part 2 Clinical Practical Exams)

This is the second Prior Information Notice (PIN) in relation to the GDC requirements for the provision of an Overseas Registration Exam Part 1 (OREP1) and Part 2 (OREP2) contracts. There are some synergies between the OREP1 and OREP2 which lend to a combined approach to the next phase procurement activity. This PIN will facilitate commencement of the early market engagement activity for both OREP1 and OREP2 and this activity is intended as an information-gathering exercise to support the formal procurement exercise. The GDC is the UK-wide statutory regulator of around 115,000 members of the dental team. The primary objective of the GDC is to protect the public. The work of the GDC is governed by the Dentists Act 1984 (as amended), which establishes our duty to maintain a register of dental professionals and establishes the criteria and routes to registration. The Act requires holders of recognised overseas diplomas to demonstrate that they have the necessary knowledge and skill to be registered by the GDC. All holders of a diploma in dentistry from outside the UK, EEA or Switzerland, must first pass the Overseas Registration Exam (ORE) before being eligible for registration with the GDC. The ORE is a safety-related test of competence that provides assurance to the GDC that an individual is trained, skilled and competent. Following successful completion of the ORE, registration with the GDC allows dentists to practise dentistry in the UK. The GDC would like to engage with a range of suppliers that are interested in providing either or both of the exam services. The Early Market Engagement (EME) briefing paper sets out more information on the requirement and sets out the information for the early market engagement, which is available for download from the Delta e-Sourcing portal see sectionhttps://www.delta-esourcing.com/delta/respondToList.html?accessCode=R33VXC5URY Access Code : R33VXC5URY.

General Dental Council
Date Published
80000000: Education and training services
£7.5M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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