Disability Framework for Specialist Residential and Supported Living

85000000: Health and social work services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Disability Framework for Specialist Residential and Supported Living

Neath Port Talbot Council (NPT CBC) as lead authority will be shortly procuring on behalf of the West Glamorgan partnership a Disability Framework for Specialist Residential and Supported Living and are looking to attract high quality residential and supported living providers for a place on the Framework. The providers on the Framework will be used by an internal brokerage team to spot purchase care arrangements on behalf of Neath Port Talbot Council, City and County of Swansea and Swansea Bay University Health Board for individuals who may have a learning disability, mental health, physical disability or a more specialist need. The Framework serves in part to meet West Glamorgan’s collective response to the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 by supporting individuals in ways that would promote greater independence, choice and control and encourage for some, progression, and recovery. It is anticipated that the Lots on the Framework will be structured as follows – 1 Learning Disability 2 Neuro-Diverse 3 Mental Health 4 Physical Disability and Brain Acquired Injury The above Lots would cover individuals with general and complex needs. The procurement exercise aims to attract good quality residential and supported living providers on to the Framework, where those services may be located across the UK. Specialist providers who undertake specialist support under the two service models will also be encouraged to apply. As the tender aims to secure providers onto the Framework that will be used to ‘call-off’ support, the tender will be based on an evaluation criterion of 100% quality, that is, there will be no cost element to evaluate as part of securing a place on the Framework. A market engagement event has been arranged for the 28th of March 2024 at 1.00pm through Microsoft Teams. Providers who may be interested in securing places for themselves on the Framework are invited to meet and discuss with Council officers. The event is an opportunity for the Council to seek views on the relative strengths and weaknesses of the proposed tender and to explore ways to improve the arrangement. There will also be an opportunity for the Provider to ask the Council any questions it may have around the arrangement. As stated, the market engagement event will be facilitated by NPT Council on behalf of the partnership using Microsoft Teams. Due to the numbers of attendees anticipated, attendance will be limited to one person per Organisation. To enable us to determine numbers of Providers who are interested in engaging with the Council through this event those interested should contact Bianca Aprea-Mugford on the following email address ccu@npt.gov.uk or alternatively on 01639 686350 confirming they would like to attend.

Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council
Date Published
85000000: Health and social work services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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