98000000: Other community, social and personal services
Detailed information about the contract
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The Money and Pensions Service, MaPS (the "Authority") is an arm's-length body, sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions, with a joint commitment to ensuring that people throughout the UK have guidance and access to the information they need to make effective financial decisions over their lifetime.
This Prior Information Notice is to advise the market that the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) intends to issue an Invitation to Tender for a service that supports clients in England with debt and mental health problems, including acting as a dedicated service to take referrals for Mental Health Crisis Breathing Space.
MaPS will shortly also be issuing a Request for Information (RFI) to gather market intelligence/information and gain a better understanding of the capacity and appetite of the market to deliver the proposed service.
This RFI will also seek to understand the views of organisations and/or stakeholders not in a position to deliver the service but who may be in a position to refer clients or patients into the service or otherwise be in a position to benefit from the service's activities.
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