48000000: Software package and information systems
Detailed information about the contract
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Suppliers are requested to respond to this PIN via The Open University's e-tendering website, In-Tend (https://in-tendhost.co.uk/openuniversity). Suppliers should complete and return a Request for Information Response Document by no later that noon on 2th April 2021. Submissions must be made via the In-Tend correspondence function. The OU is offering a limited number of briefing sessions to suppliers on a first come, first served basis. The purpose of the briefing session is to provide further context to our requirement and for suppliers to ask questions and share some of their solution ideas with us prior to submitting their formal RFI response. The briefing sessions will be on a one-to-one basis. They will be held on from the 6th till the 14th April 2021 and the timeslots available are indicated in the RFI response pack with questions on how to request a session. The sessions will be held via Microsoft Teams.
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