85000000: Health and social work services
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Bracknell Forest 0-19 (and up to 25 years for SEND) Public Health Nursing Service Market Engagement Bracknell Forest Council Public Health team are planning to go out tender for their 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service this year (2023). We would like to invite potential providers to have an informal meeting with us where we can share an overview of our proposed model and outcomes we want to achieve. It will also be an opportunity for us to gather information from you to inform the development of our service specification and answer any questions you might have. This meeting is an information gathering exercise, intended to assist the Council in understanding the level and range of service provider interest in delivering these services - response does not commit the Council or respondents to a future procurement (nor provide any process exemptions or preferential treatment to any parties expressing an interest) and accordingly any subsequent procurement may use an entirely different model to the one described in the meeting. External attendees and their organisations shall have no claim to any intellectual property rights which may be created in connection with matters discussed. The Council will not be liable for costs incurred by any interested party in participating in this event. Questions asked by attendees will be responded to and shared as a FAQ document to all interested organisations. If you would like to meet with us, please register interest by 31/032/2023
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