98370000: Funeral and related services
Detailed information about the contract
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Stockport Council are undertaking this prior information notice to to consult with potential providers to inform our subsequent approach and procurement programme whilst reducing timeframes for the receipt of tenders to 15 days. Any response or information related to this prior information notice which influences the procurement process will be documented in accordance with Regulation 84 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/102). Involvement in this prior information notice will not preclude any organisation from participating in any future tender process, nor will there be any advantage or disadvantage when participating. Objectives Inform the market of the upcoming opportunity further develop their service provision and standards to provide appropriate options in fitting and dignified surroundings all of which will dovetail into the SMBC long term plan for sustainability & meet environmental & climate change requirements for the benefit of our community. Please refer to the PIN documentation for a number of questions to be answered. Interested parties are asked to provide their responses via the Chest - Reference DN660235
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