44211100: Modular and portable buildings
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The current generation of the Southern Modular Building Framework (SMBF 20-24) will expire on 30th November 2024. The Authority (Hampshire County Council) plan to put in place a successor framework (SMBF 24-28) to deliver standard modular building units (purchase and lease), and to refurbish existing units, to provide a range of accommodation types designed to the client's brief. This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is intended to advise interested suppliers of an Information Day Event to be held on 22nd March 2024 10:00-12:00, Castle Avenue, Winchester The Information Day will involve a presentation and Q&A session hosted at HCC Offices, Winchester, Hampshire. Attendees from each interested party are requested to be limited to 2, and notification of attendance is requested through the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/southern-modular-building-framework-24-28-supplier-day-tickets-853598454957?aff=oddtdtcreator The event will describe the planned lot structure with typical project types, the scope of the framework, quality objectives, how pricing and call-off options operate, the bid process, and timeline. Feedback, ideas, concerns and questions will be welcome on these topics.
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