85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Suppliers/Bidders wishing to participate in the Early Release on Compassionate Grounds procurement exercise, detailed in PIN 2024/S 000-000486, will need an active Jaggaer account. For new Suppliers who do not have an MOJ Jaggaer account, you will need to register, by visiting https://ministryofjusticecommercial.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.html. Click on the "Click here to register!" button and fill in the required information. Once you have an account, there is online guidance available to walk through the basics, such as responding/sending messages. For further system support, please email the Authority's Central Support Team at esourcing@justice.gov.uk. Please note this team offers system support but not specific advice around particular tenders.
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