45000000: Construction work
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Network Rail is intending to put in place a number of frameworks for Control Period 7 (CP7) for the delivery of capital works in the North West & Central Region. These frameworks are divided into categories and will be subject to procurement exercises in phases. This PIN notice relates to Phase 2.
Before the launch of the CP7 procurement exercise for Phase 2, Network Rail wishes to engage with organisations that may be interested in participating in the forthcoming procurement exercise to explain the opportunity and detail of the procurement event. Network Rail is therefore holding a CP7 North West & Central Region Frameworks (Phase 2) Launch Event and the purpose of this notice is to invite interested parties to attend.
CP7 covers the 5 year period from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2029.
The North West & Central Region is formed of 3 routes, North West, Central and West Coast South.
Additional information on the region (including the geographical areas covered by these 3 routes) can be found at: https://www.networkrail.co.uk/running-the-railway/our-regions/north-west-and-central/
This exact time and date for this event is being finalised, it will be held online. It is anticipated to be Thursday 30th March 2023.
Please register your interest via the below Eventbrite link by 14:00 (GMT) on 24th March 2023, https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cp7-phase-2-market-update-network-rail-north-west-central-tickets-580456901217. Those registering will then be kept informed and updated once the time and date for the event is finalised.
The event relates to the frameworks as set out in section II. 2.4 below comprising of “Framework Category A – Large Projects”. The procurement event for Phase 1 (Framework Categories B,C & D) is currently being undertaken – Contract Notice References 2022/S 000-016352, 2022/S 000-016533, 2022/S 000-016354.
All estimated values included in this notice are indicative and may be subject to change prior to the procurement exercise.
Non-participation in the event shall not prevent any supplier from participating in any future procurements. Network Rail is not liable for any costs, fees or expenses incurred by any party participating in this Launch Event. Network Rail cannot guarantee that it will incorporate all or any feedback received at the event into any subsequent procurement event or that Network Rail will proceed with one or more procurement events.
Launch event material and any relevant Q&A will be made available as part of the forthcoming procurement event documentation.
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