Provision of care and support at extra care scheme services survey

75122000: Administrative healthcare services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Provision of care and support at extra care scheme services survey

London Borough of Barnet (the Council) is seeking information from the marketplace to inform its thinking and options for the provision of care and support at extra care scheme services. We intend to use the information provided to develop suitable specifications and service delivery options. Please note that this request is not part of any tender exercise. The Council wishes to learn from organisations active in the extra care market and to test its current thinking against market expectations. Responses to the questionnaire will be critical to enabling the Council to make informed decisions about how to proceed including the management, operational and financial arrangements that will apply to different size extra care schemes. This notice is not a call for competition and does not commit the Council to proceeding with any procurement exercises in relation to this project. Responding to the questionnaire does not confer any advantage or disadvantage on organisations in relation to any future procurement exercise that may take place. Participation in this exercise will not include or preclude any organisation from participating in any future procurement exercise. Any responses you provide will not prejudice your involvement in any future procurement exercise. No information provided in your response will be used in any evaluation of any subsequent response to a potential future procurement tendering exercise. The Council will not be responsible for meeting any costs you may incur in participating in this exercise. The Council is seeking responses to the questions accessed in the Microsoft Forms Link below from any interested parties. It would be helpful if you would answer as many of the questions as possible. Please submit your completed response via the Microsoft Forms link by Friday 29th March 2024. Microsoft Forms link: Please email should you experience difficulties with accessing the Microsoft Forms Link

London Borough of Barnet
Date Published
75122000: Administrative healthcare services
£6.2M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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