NHSE884 - Elswick APMS - Expression of Interest

85100000: Health services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

NHSE884 - Elswick APMS - Expression of Interest

North of England Commissioning Support (NECS) is working for and on behalf of NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) (the Contracting Authority) who wish to seek expressions of interest to deliver Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) for patients of Elswick Family Practice. The contract is a single APMS GP practice based in an urban area of the West End of Newcastle. The current patient list size is 7,700 and patient demographics show a wide patient registration area with a significant proportion of the patients being of Bangladeshi origin. In addition the practice is contracted, via a local enhanced service, to support up to 600 beds in asylum seeker contingency accommodation sites across the city providing health checks. The patients are then registered with the practice for on-going routine patient care. Premises are to be mandated for this service, with services to be delivered from Elswick Health Centre, Meldon Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE4 6SH. The property is leased via NHS Property Services, and a new lease agreement would need to be agreed. The contract will be for a period of 9 years (7 years plus an optional 2-year extension), commencing in April 2025. Contract fees are based on national GMS rates (minus OOH) and the full contract value is estimated to be £9,000,000 over the full contract term. Please note that this exercise is not part of any pre-qualification process. It is intended as an awareness, communication and information gathering exercise offering an opportunity for provider organisations to help inform potential future service models and/or commissioning intentions. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. An electronic tendering tool is being utilised to manage this expression of interest process. Accordingly, there will be no hard copy documents issued to interested providers and all communications with NECS will be conducted via the Atamis portal. Interested providers are asked to register on the portal and express their interest by responding to the questions within the requirements section of the relevant project i.e. NHSE884 - Elswick APMS - EOI. Interested providers must confirm that they are interested in delivering the service in line with the published specification and the contract requirements proposed by the Contracting Authority. The Atamis portal can be accessed at: https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome. It is free to register on the portal and it can be accessed at any time of day providing you have a working internet connection. Should you have any queries, or encounter any problems with the portal; these should be raised via the Atamis helpdesk at: Support-health@Atamis.co.uk or phone number 0800 9956035 The helpdesk is open Monday - Friday between 9am - 5.30pm Expressions of Interest must be submitted by 12 noon on Friday 22 March 2024.

NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board
Date Published
85100000: Health services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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