79400000: Business and management consultancy and related services
Detailed information about the contract
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NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP), hosted by Velindre NHS Trust are acting on behalf of Cardiff and Vale University Local Health Board (C&VUHB) in issuing this Prior Information Notice (PIN). C&VUHB is seeking support in the creation of a Strategic Outline Case (SOC) for its Shaping Our Future Hospitals programme – the potential replacement of University Hospital Wales (UHW) and University Hospital Llandough (UHL) supporting digitally enabled SMART healthcare delivery, plus the pre-requisite digital transformation and wish to undertake pre-engagement to further inform their understanding of the market. C&VUHB are seeking a strategic advisor (or a consortium) who has the experience of creating HM Treasury Green Book business cases for very large public/Health/NHS acute infrastructure and Health based digital transformation. The arrangement would potentially be from SOC (the initial commitment) through to FBC stage. Further requirement details are stated in section II.2.4 below.
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