73000000: Research and development services and related consultancy services
Detailed information about the contract
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13 Lots in total covering Met Office Academic Partnership Services and Agreements, for up to 8 Universities covering: Lot 1 - Joint Chair Services - estimated annual spend up to £400,000 These are the Research and Innovation theme Lots - exact spend per Lot is an unknown, however spend per annum on contracts for services covering Lots 2 to 12 based on previous spend trends is approximately £1m in total. Lot 2 - Hazard to Decision Making Lot 3 - Research to Production Lot 4 - Producing, Refining and Delivering data Lot 5 - Seamless Environmental Prediction Lot 6 - Next Generation Modelling Systems Lot 7 - Fusing Simulation with Data Sciences Lot 8 - The Path to High Resolution Lot 9 - Producing and Exploiting Ensembles Lot 10 - Capturing Environmental Complexity Lot 11 - Technology Architecture and Innovation Lot 12 - Advancing Observations Lot 13 - Co-Sponsorship Agreements approximate spend per annum is £500,000 All Lots will be covered by up to 8 Universities. Each of the Lots numbered 2 to 12 may be represented by 1 or any number up to the maximum of up to 8 Universities. Lots 1 and 13 will be awarded to up to the same 8 potential Universities A strategic overview, operational overview and Commercial overview can be found https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/approach/collaboration/partnership The Bid documents will be available mid April 2022 when the contract notice goes live. Please register your interest on the ProContract Portal against the Project. A copy of the Met Office Research and Innovation Strategy can be found: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/binaries/content/assets/metofficegovuk/pdf/research/r-istrategyfullversionsml.pdf
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