The Council's Highways and Infrastructure Services Term Maintenance and Works Contract is primarily focused on highways term maintenance and works but also covers other infrastructure including waste. The Council intends to procure a replacement contract that, whilst still focused on highways term maintenance and works, also allows call-off of infrastructure and maintenance services covering waste, drainage, coastal and flood defence.
The scope includes:
- small and intermediate-scale schemes such as junction improvements, bus lanes, footways, cycleways and drainage improvement
- externally funded works including section 278, developer-funded and district council works
- surface dressing
- surfacing
- layered patching
- drainage cleansing
- grass cutting
- bridge maintenance and bridge schemes
- early contractor involvement, design, topographical and condition surveys
- road marking
- weed control
- slurry sealing
- vehicle restraint system installation and repair
- support to the council in responding to civil contingencies or extreme weather conditions.
Other works may include:
- construction associated with or inseparable from highways, passenger transport and active travel improvement schemes - such as buildings at bus interchanges
- construction of household waste recycling centres, waste transfer facilities and the like
- drainage, coastal and flood defence work.