PRJ-979 - Provision of Commissioning Support for London Continuing Healthcare (CHC) – Providers Pre-Market Engagement

75100000: Administration services

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PRJ-979 - Provision of Commissioning Support for London Continuing Healthcare (CHC) – Providers Pre-Market Engagement

South East London Clinical Commissioning Group (SEL CCG) have stated their intention to commission a provider to provide a comprehensive end-to-end commissioning support service to London CCGs to maintain and further develop the London Any Qualified Provider (AQP) for Care Homes. The current draft outline service specification has been published together with this advertisement for further details on the CCG’s requirements. The AQP is in place to provide a consistent approach for CCGs to manage the market for care home beds providing a price which is fair and equitable, allowing for a more sustainable provision both financially and non-financially including quality of provision. NHS CHC refers to a package of on-going care that is arranged and funded by the NHS where a person has a “primary health need” - this care takes the form of a care home placement. Individuals are assessed according to their needs (not on their condition or diagnosis) and if eligible the NHS fund all of the health and ‘social care’/personal care costs. London CCGs use an Any Qualified Provider (AQP) Framework to place individuals eligible for continuing healthcare who have standard Continuing Healthcare needs. The Framework does not cover specialist providers. The Framework has been successful in delivering improvements in quality and achieving savings for standard CHC packages of care. The AQP Framework is supported by an online quality monitoring and capacity management system (CMS). The CCG is currently developing and testing its draft service requirements, the CCG wishes to request market feedback from potentially interested providers of end-to-end commissioning support services, to inform the upcoming procurement process. In order to assist the Authority with testing its assumptions and proposed requirements, the CCG will be publishing a draft service specification together with a feedback questionnaire on the Procontract portal on the 30th April 2021, to give potential bidders an overview of the service specification, ask clarification questions and provide feedback. Once published we would ask that interested providers submit responses to the questionnaire by 5 pm Thursday 20 May 2021 via the messaging facility. To do so, providers should express an interest in the opportunity via the portal and await publication of the questionnaire, interested providers should monitor the messaging facility for further updates. Questionnaire responses submitted will remain confidential and information gathered will be used for the sole purpose of informing the upcoming procurement process. Please follow the below weblink for further details:

NHS South East London Clinical Commissioning Group
Date Published
75100000: Administration services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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