70000000: Real estate services
Detailed information about the contract
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Surrey County Council has identified a need to procure specialist housing management services across a number of Supported Independent Living (SIL) sites for people with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism (LD/A) and people with Mental Health (MH) needs. This will be presented to the market in a tender opportunity commencing Summer 2023. This will support Surrey County Council’s strategic objectives for Supported Independent Living, which are set out in the November 2020 and November 2021 Cabinet reports. From contract start date (Spring 24) it is planned that The Council will have 106 SIL units across 10 sites throughout Surrey. Subject to approval, this is anticipated to grow to circa 220 units across 25 sites by Spring 2026. The Council would like to seek views and insight from organisations to assist with the planning of this procurement. The purpose of this market consultation is to inform the scope of service to be tendered as well as most effective way of tendering for the service.
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