85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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In preparation for a forthcoming procurement opportunity, Essex County Council (ECC) , on behalf of the All Age Autism Partnership Board (AAAPB), would like to invite organisations to participate in an early market engagement event for those interested in becoming the Co-Production Partner for the AAAPB. ECC intends to publish a Request for Quotation in early April 2023. ECC has a statutory responsibility to have an autism strategy, and as such worked alongside autistic people and other stakeholders to develop the ‘Essex All Age Autism Strategy’ (2020-2025). This strategy outlines ECC’s vision of making Essex an autism friendly county, and what action needs to be taken to make progress in the seven priority areas. ECC also organise and facilitate the running of the AAAPB, with the overarching aim of implementing the All Age Autism Strategy, along with a number of ‘working groups’. Although well established and attended, the AAAPB has struggled in places to deliver on the action plan and working groups, ECC would also like to participate as a delivery partner, rather than sole facilitator. The Council intends to commission an Co Production Partner to support the AAAPB from June 2023. It is expected that the Co-Production Partner will:
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