85100000: Health services
Detailed information about the contract
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This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice and relates only to a pre-procurement market engagement exercise.
As part of Community Mental Health Transformation, Cornwall Partnership Trust (CFT) are seeking to commission a minimum of 15 whole time equivalent (WTE) mental health community navigators. It is expected that there will be a minimum of one WTE per Primary Care Network (PCN) across the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly integrated care system.
Mental health community navigators will work alongside clinicians at the initial point of contact in mental health services. They will offer advice, guidance and support for clients, enabling them to access appropriate services within their local communities and support them to manage their condition using recovery focused tools and interventions. All support offered to users will be tailored to their individual needs and be place based, (i.e. in the context of Integrated Care Systems, aligned to local authorities and patient flows of acute and primary care).
The aim is to develop the mental health community navigator role for people with mental health needs, including those with a severe mental illness, who can often be marginalised and feel excluded and detached from the community in which they live.
The Commissioner will be holding a market engagement briefing event in late April 2023.
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