Pre-Market Engagement – The Operation of Barrowell Green Reuse and Recycling Centre in Enfield

90500000: Refuse and waste related services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Pre-Market Engagement – The Operation of Barrowell Green Reuse and Recycling Centre in Enfield

Pursuant to Regulation 40 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (the PCR 2015), London Borough of Enfield (LBE), is seeking to conduct preliminary market consultation / discovery exercise before commencing the procurement procedure for the Provision of a Household Waste and Recycling Centre (HWRC) service contract. LBE intends to potentially undertake this consultation via meetings with service providers, who are invited to submit an expression of interest through the portal. As part of this process, service providers are required to submit a completed Market Testing Questionnaire in advance of the sessions which may subsequently take place. Interested providers are invited to submit Appendix 1 - Soft Market Testing (SMT) Questionnaire Response (included in the Market Engagement pack)and upload to This should be completed and submitted to the Council via the messaging facility within the Portal no later than 5:00pm on Wednesday 19 of April 2023. PLEASE NOTE: EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST MUST BE RECEIVED BY 5:00PM ON WEDNESDAY 19 APRIL 2023. Any requests to extend this date need to be submitted via the messaging facility within the Portal by 5:00pm on Friday 14th April 2023 for consideration by LBE. LBE will operate any meetings with the market within the key principles of non-discrimination, equal treatment and transparency. Pursuant to Regulation 41 of the PCR 2015, LBE will ensure that competition is not distorted by the participation of a service provider during this pre-procurement market consultation. LBE will record the measures taken to ensure that competition is not distorted. In particular, LBE will note key points arising from the meetings. Pursuant to Regulation 41(2) of the PCR 2015, LBE reserves the right to circulate to all attendees and subsequently any other candidates or tenderers, an anonymised set of consolidated notes. This initial engagement/discovery exercise will help inform options and further decision making. For the avoidance of doubt, this PIN is intended as an awareness/information gathering exercise only and is not a call for competition, is not a pre-qualification process and is not the start of a formal procurement exercise. Participation or non-participation in this pre-procurement market engagement/discovery exercise shall not prevent any potential provider participating in, nor shall it place any potential provider at an advantage in any future procurement opportunity. Any future procurement opportunity is expected to be advertised in Summer 2023. However, this timeframe is indicative and LBE reserves the right to reschedule any forthcoming publication at any time.

London Borough of Enfield
Date Published
90500000: Refuse and waste related services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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