85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Dyfed Area Planning Board (APB) is preparing to tender for Dyfed Tier 2 Substance Misuse Service in the Hywel Dda University Health Board region. As part of the development of the specification for this service, we are holding a virtual Engagement Event for potential providers of this service. The purpose of this session will be to explore current substance misuse service provision in Dyfed, alongside a presentation around data and performance measures over the past five years - which will generate discussion around future service improvement. The discussion will help inform the future direction and service model for the Dyfed Tier 2 Substance Misuse Service. Your input would be very much appreciated. Estimated value is per annum as per current funding (subject to change)and duration is to be confirmed. 'Lots' are under consideration.
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