98000000: Other community, social and personal services
Detailed information about the contract
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This procurement is under the Light Touch Regime established pursuant to Regulations 74-76 and Regulation 76(7) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 for the purposes of commissioning an Open Select List for the provision of placements for Alternative Provision and care packages for Domiciliary Care and Short Breaks. The tender will open on 5th May 2021 and a supplier briefing event will take place on 11th May between 1pm and 2pm via Microsoft Teams. The Purpose of the briefing is to clarify the purpose of the tender and answer any questions on the process. If you are not able to attend, information will be made available via ProContract. To attend, please email Providerfeedback@lincolnshire.gov.uk using Reference DN540982 and specify which service area you are interested in.
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