85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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We are currently undertaking a system review of the Council's approach to Prevention and Early Help, building on the previous work undertaken with the voluntary sector and other partners in 2014. In the years since the original strategy, we have refined our focus on increasing the resilience of individuals and communities and their potential to help themselves, supported by a planned prioritisation of resources and within the context of improving the health and wellbeing of residents and reducing inequalities. This has set the foundations for integration, collaboration, and understanding of the benefits that Prevention and Early Help can have on a wide range of longer-term outcomes for everyone involved. We have also included some public health offers in this approach. Prevention and Early Help is the name we give to the way that we, as a system, support residents, families and communities in Stockport. We want people to live healthy and happy lives, we want to stop problems emerging in the first place or, if issues have emerged, we want to help people to address them and prevent or delay them from getting any worse. We would like to take the opportunity to do some ‘soft market testing’ as to determine current interest levels in the market.
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