85100000: Health services
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The pan Essex Integrated LD Commissioning Team have been successful in its bid for NHSE Funding to implement a Keyworker Service for Children and Young People (C&YP) with Learning Disabilities (LD) and or Autism, on behalf of the Southend, Essex and Thurrock (SET) Transforming Care Partnership (TCP). The Keyworker Service aims to achieve these outcomes by recruiting Keyworkers over the next 2 years to work with those C&YP most at risk of admission, to help them navigate the system whilst holding it to account in its development/action of plans of care agreed/required to reduce this risk. The Keyworker Service is expected to deliver the following National Metrics: -By the end of March 2023, all children & young people (C&YP) identified as red or amber on the Dynamic Support Register (DSR) will have a named Keyworker -By the end of March 2023, all C&YP placed in a Tier 4 Inpatient Service will have a named Keyworker The Authority invites interested providers to attend a virtual pre-procurement market engagement event which will be broadcast via Microsoft (MS) Teams. The format of the event will be a presentation from the commissioners followed by a Q&A for Bidders. The information gathered will support commissioners to understand better the service model to put in place and will be used to inform the approach to the procurement process.
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