Department for Education National Education Nature Park and Climate Leaders Award

80000000: Education and training services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Department for Education National Education Nature Park and Climate Leaders Award

The Department is looking to procure a high-profile, prestigious national lead provider (or consortia) to design and deliver the National Education Nature Park (NP) and Climate Leaders Award (CLA) as announced by the Secretary of State for Education at the climate summit (COP26) in November 2021. Contract period being 2 years (to 31st March 2024) with the Department able to extend by a further 3 years in one year increments. The Department is looking for a successful provider to develop, launch and administer: • A prestigious National Education Nature Park that will drive the increase of biodiversity on the education estate, engage young people and develop their skills in sustainability and climate change, gather more information about the education estate and provide a platform for associated high quality learning materials. • A well-respected Climate Leaders Award recognised by employers and further and higher education providers that will increase and recognise: o the efforts of young people in improving the biodiversity of the education estate and their communities as well as taking wider climate action and o the achievements of children and young people in improving their analytical and numeracy skills and scientific knowledge of sustainability and climate change technologies through a structured, accredited programme of activity in conjunction with the development of the NP. Once the Invitation to Tender has been issued, the Department will host a session for the sector to ask questions about the Park and Award. For further details on this session, please contact with emails for those who would like to be invited with the subject ‘Market Day – Park and Award ITT’. ESTIMATED VALUE: £4m - £5.3m contract value, together with the responsibility to make decisions on the focus, allocation, evaluation and administration of grants to drive improvement and engagement with the NP and CLA’s activities by children and young people. The successful supplier will be responsible for the management of these funds for which there will be a percentage management fee due.

Department for Education
Date Published
80000000: Education and training services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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