85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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This is not a call for competition and is not yet a contract opportunity. ** PLEASE NOTE: By Expressing an Interest in this event via the portal you are not confirming your place at the event. Please follow the instructions below to reserve your place. ** Somerset County Council are seeking to hear from organisations that might be interested in delivering a creative and dynamic NHS Health Check service for people living in Somerset aged 40 to 74 without a pre-existing condition. This is a mandated preventative healthcare programme which invites adults aged between 40 and 74 for a free health check-up once every five years to screen for key conditions. As part of this process Somerset County Council would like to hear views from a range of market providers about the future options and are inviting organisations to attend a soft market testing event. It is anticipated that any new arrangements would commence on 1st April 2023
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