85100000: Health services
Detailed information about the contract
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This prior information Notice is to inform the market that the Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent would like to invite suppliers to attend a supplier engagement event in relation to LOT 1 - Independent Sexual Violence Advisor Services (ISVA) for EAST KENT LOT 2 - Support services (SASS) EAST KENT LOT 3 - Independent Sexual Violence Advisor Services (ISVA) for NORTH KENT LOT 4 - Support Services (SASS) NORTH KENT The supplier engagement event is anticipated to take place on 16th June 2021 for all 4 LOTS Please see attached document for more detail A second engagement event may be held to assist bidders with a 'how to tender' this event depends on the uptake from suppliers. The event will not contain any further detail in regards to this opportunity, it will be a general how to tender session.
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