85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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The NHS commissioning authorities in London intend to re-procure the existing pan-London NHS CHC in nursing homes AQP framework. The current framework is due to expire on 31 March 2023. The commissioning authorities expect to begin the procurement process in September 2022. Ahead of the procurement, the commissioning authorities wish to engage the market and undertake a refresh of the existing service specification. Interested nursing home providers are invited to participate in this refresh process. Providers will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the existing service specification and shape a new updated service specification. The London Purchased Healthcare (LPH) team will manage the specification refresh and procurement process on behalf of the London commissioning authorities. If you have any questions, require more information or want to participate, please email the LPH Team on: LPH.NursingHomesAQP@nhs.net
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