45000000: Construction work
Detailed information about the contract
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King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (the “Trust”) is carrying out further pre market engagement in relation to it plans to procure a new framework agreement with two contractors to deliver projects as part of its strategic estates programme (the “Framework Agreement”). Following the Trust’s initial pre market engagement in 2022, the Trust has now received planning permission in respect of the first project to be awarded under the Framework Agreement - the design, build and financing of a new Haematology Unit (“Unit”).
Anyone interested in delivering works and services under this Framework Agreement is invited to complete a further soft market survey by 11th May 2023. https://forms.office.com/e/4k5yp1xA41. The Trust may have follow up discussions once it has considered the surveys.
This prior information notice relates to pre market engagement only. It is not formally commencing a procurement process. Any procurement process in relation to the Framework Agreement will be advertised separately in Find a Tender and Contracts Finder. Anyone who does not participate in this pre market engagement will not be precluded from responding to the advert for the Framework Agreement. This prior information notice does not commit the Trust to carry out a procurement process.
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