NGESO Software/Hardware Technology Products & Associated Services

72222300: Information technology services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

NGESO Software/Hardware Technology Products & Associated Services

National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO), a legally separate business within the National Grid Group (NGG), is the electricity system operator for Great Britain. The NGESO moves electricity around the system to keep homes and businesses supplied with the energy they need 24/7. National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) became a legally separate business in 2019. NGESO is on a journey to become NESO (National Energy Systems Operator), divested from NGG to transition under UK government ownership during Summer 2024. For this notice, any mention of NESO should be interpreted to also include NGESO during the interim period leading up to the official change. The Digital, Data and Technology (DD&T) organisation within NGESO provides the sourcing capabilities, roles and skills required to achieve NESO digital deliverables.
To support the role of the National Energy System Operator (NESO), a multi-supplier Framework Contract is sought for the supply of Software/Hardware Technology Products & Associated Services, which enables the delivery of a long-term corporate software and hardware procurement strategy for key SW publishers and OEMs or authorised distributors licences, products, and services. This is complemented by the need for a separate Managed Service Provider (MSP) to provision services for lifecycle & contract management, operating as a Vendor Management Organisation (VMO) which enables the management and performance evaluation of software and hardware contracts for the portfolio.
NESO requires access to software and hardware in a flexible way to achieve objectives under its Business Plan and Digital Strategy, whilst building relationships with specialist suppliers who can partner in developing strategic direction.
The expected time duration of an engagement will be approximately 3 years with possible extensions, subject to confirmation in the Contract Notice. The scope of the framework will comprise of COTS business and specialist software, infrastructure hardware and associated services, including Vendor Management. Currently these are separated into 3 lots shown below, but this may be subject to change before a Contract Notice is issued: Lot 1: Software Licences, Support Maintenance & Associated Services Lot 2: Hardware, Support Maintenance & Associated Services
Lot 3: Vendor Management Organisation (VMO) - Associated Services for Software/Hardware contract & vendor management
The lotting structure will be designed to suit a holistic or a more specialised approach to enable access to large companies and niche suppliers having places within the framework.
These lots will be structured as NESO sees fit for its Contract Notice. Achilles UVDB Codes within this PIN indicate the specialism of services that may be required. Those companies who are equipped to offer the services should seek to be registered for these UVDB codes listed later in this document.
Our latest Digitalisation Strategy can be found at:

Date Published
72222300: Information technology services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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