79000000: Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
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1Walsall Council has a property portfolio comprising over 750 land and building assets with a total building floor area of over 3.84m square feet over 3,200 acres. The portfolio includes operational and non-operational assets including a substantial schools estate. The Council has recently adopted a Corporate Landlord approach to the management of the property portfolio which encompasses the functions of Asset Management, Integrated Facilities Management, Capital Works Commissioning, Office Moves and Energy management. The council's Strategic Asset Plan for the period 2022-27 sets out the strategic objectives for the property portfolio as well as the governance, processes and procedures associated with the management of the portfolio. One of the objectives of the Strategic Asset Plan is "To provide the right property, fit for purpose, in the right place, to meet current service needs and to plan for the future." The Council is seeking a Strategic Advisor to work with the Corporate Landlord to provide strategic advice relating to the delivery of this strategic objective across the operational property portfolio. The focus of this role will be on the ongoing work programmes including the schools expansion programme, major works and the asset challenge process required in order to achieve an incremental improvement in the quality of the Council's built estate.
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