85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is for information only and is not a formal invitation to tender. The council is preparing to publish (a) contract opportunity for the Young Islington – universal youth work offer which includes the operation, management and facilities management of Lift, Rose Bowl and Platform youth spaces, as well as the youth work leadership, quality and impact function. It is anticipated that the opportunity/ies will be advertised in June 2021. The instructions given in the future contract notice/s must be followed in order to be considered. The intention is to secure the delivery of the Young Islington universal offer through three lots within the wider contract for Young Islington youth work offer: Lot 1 Young Islington: Youth work leadership, quality and impact Lot 2 Young Islington: Lift and Rose Bowl, Summerversity and the Emotional Wellbeing Service Lot 3 Young Islington: Platform The contract agreement will commence on 1 November 2021 with service start date 1 February 2021. The contract duration: the contract will run for an initial sixty months (five year) period with up to two extensions of 12 months each. The purpose of this PIN is to maximise transparency and competition for the upcoming contract notice/s. All details in this PIN are subject to change in the final contract notice/s.
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