73111000: Research laboratory services
Detailed information about the contract
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Genomics England is looking for supplier(s) to support future sample storage and processing needs, as part of our long-term strategy.
The following programmes are dependent on the biorepository (sample storage and processing) service provision:
• National Genomic Research Library - storing DNA and other omic samples from participants in the 100,000 Genomes Project to support ongoing research is a key element of its value and potential to bring clinical benefit to the participants themselves and support broader learnings.
• Diverse Data – aims to address the gap in diversity in genomic research to help reduce health inequalities and improve patient outcomes within genomic medicine.
• Newborn Genomes Programme - a research study exploring the benefits, challenges, and practicalities of offering whole genome sequencing (WGS) to all newborns to accelerate diagnosis and access to treatments for rare genetic conditions.
• Cancer 2.0 - exploring two innovative technologies long-read sequencing and multimodal data to o support earlier, faster diagnosis of cancer
The Newborn Genomes Programme and the Cohorts Programme is also entering a period of strategic review and a wider Genomics England Research Strategy is currently being developed , both of which will likely impact future requirements for collecting and storing samples and making these accessible for further research use. We are now in a position to Identify the wider sample storage/usage strategy with a view to inform the future operational and commercial direction.
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