85000000: Health and social work services
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Waltham Forest Integrated Commissioning Team commissioned Befriending Networks and Deciding Matters to identify where befriending services can have the biggest impact for adults aged 18+ in Waltham Forest. Befriending Networks engaged with a range of professional stakeholders in the form of a Voluntary Advisory Group, while Deciding Matters designed and delivered a community co-design process to help identify key recommendations for befriending services in Waltham Forest, alongside analysis of a range of other information sources (including best practice guidance, user surveys and delivery reports) by the Waltham Forest Commissioning Team. The council would like to share the insights gathered and outputs from the community co-design workshops with the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) to consider whether our proposed changes to befriending services aligns with the needs of residents in LBWF and more generally, identifies the positive outcomes of receiving a Befriending service. The council is planning to publish the tender for Befriending Services. Your views will inform the service design and subsequent service specification. We have arranged two engagement events, details are below. Online Engagement event Date: Monday 15 April 2024 Time: 10.00 – 11.30am Via Teams Teams link and invite will be shared with providers who register. There is no limit to the number of attendees. In Person Engagement event Date: Thursday 18 April 2024 Time: 3.00 – 4.30pm Venue: Waltham Forest Town Hall, Fellowship Square Meeting Room details and invite will be shared with 15 providers who register. Please note – a maximum of 15 people only, invites will be sent to those who register via the messaging function first. Only one representative from each provider is allowed to attend. To register for an engagement session, please send a message via the messaging function on ProContract. The message must include the company name, attendee name and email address. Please also identify which engagement event you are interested in.
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