85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Nottinghamshire County Council wish to bring to the attention of the market their imminent requirements for housing linked to the provision of services for people with Care, Support and Enablement (CSE) needs. It is planned that the requirements described in this notice will be met using a further competition process under the established CSE Framework (Pro-contract ref: DN361199) Lot 2. The CSE Framework provides a route compliant with both the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, and its own Financial Regulations, for Nottinghamshire County Council to contract with CSE Providers. The requirements will be subject to a competitive exercise under Lot 2 which includes CSE Providers that facilitate the provision of a tenancy for the CSE Service User as well as meeting their CSE needs. It is anticipated that the further competitions will be undertaken before September 2022, although there are no guarantees. Housing and CSE Providers are encouraged to work in collaboration in order that they may be in a position to submit a bid when invited
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