79414000: Human resources management consultancy services
Detailed information about the contract
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NHSBT is looking for an organisation to work in partnership with to assist in the implementation of an Anti-Racism Framework. The supplier should be recognised as a specialist in this field with a depth of experience and expertise in the areas of race, equity and developing inclusion based activities across a diverse, public facing organisation. A supplier is required to assist in developing the underpinning action plans that will be required to bring the Framework to life.
The Framework has five broad pillars covering:
1. Prioritising Anti-Racism
o Leading from the front - Addressing the diverse needs of our people and service users
o Dedicated D&I resources - D&I professionals are seen as a key part of the organisation’s leadership
o Mission critical - Anti-racist practice is identified and considered in all work, not just in D&I plans
o Actions not words - Commitment to real action, always doing more than the minimum to tackle inequality
2. Understanding Lived Experience
o Listen and learn - Action to tackle discrimination is informed by meaningful engagement
o Empowering your talent - Diverse talent is empowered, decision-making groups are intentionally made diverse
o Cultural competency - Leaders listen to diverse experiences, and are better placed to make fair decisions
o Data plus - Data from the whole employee lifecycle is disaggregated and informs fair policies & practices
3. Growing Inclusive Leaders
o Visibility matters - Our most senior leaders should come from a diverse range of backgrounds
o Where is your talent? - Diverse talent is supported to grow by tackling structural and team-level inequalities
o Levelling up middle leadership - All line managers are supported and trained to respond to diversity needs
o Real opportunities - Ambitious positive action is taken, e.g., in targeted recruitment, mentoring, coaching and sponsorship
4. Acting to Tackle Inequalities
o More than a tick box - Assurance frameworks and tools are used to prioritise, leverage, and monitor change
o Zero tolerance matters - An active stance is taken to tackle harm, we constantly learn how to do better
o We do this together - Partnership working is used to address the inequalities that are bigger than NHSBT
o Fair and just - Processes and systems are fair, and are applied fairly in practice to all staff
5. Reviewing Progress Regularly
o How are we performing – Leaders understand their key inclusion targets and their performance / accountability is taken seriously
o What’s our approach? - A clear, sustained intention, strategy, and roadmap with a range of actions and measures is in place
o Our Voices Matter - Outcomes and feedback from affected staff are analysed and reported on to ensure meaningful change
o Open and Transparent - Credibility around anti-racism comes from the community of staff and service users
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