45000000: Construction work
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Hackney Council has a successful record of delivering high quality affordable housing for its residents. The Council is on track to deliver almost 2,000 new homes between 2018 and 2022 of which more than half will be at affordable rents or for shared ownership. Many of Hackney’s developments have also won awards for the quality of the new homes and public realm. More than 600 of these new homes are being delivered through the Council’s Housing Supply Programme which encompasses 13 infill sites across Hackney, including the Frampton Park Community Hall and Tradescant House Garages site. Hackney has already delivered three new developments on the Frampton Park Estate (Taylor Court, Wilmott Court and Frampton Arms). In March 2021, Hackney Council submitted a planning application for 69 new homes on an additional two sites on the estate (REF: 2021/1065) and is seeking a building contractor to undertake the construction. These works include: Phase A Demolition of an existing community centre and the construction of a 51-unit atrium block between 4 and 7 storeys (GIA 4597m²). Phase B Demolition of garages and the construction of a 13-unit bookend building of 8 storeys attached to the end of an existing residential block (GIA 1190m²). Construction of 5 units at ground floor level in the under-croft space beneath an existing block (GIA 497m²). The estimated value of the work is £21.25 million (£15.5 million and £5.75 million respectively). The Council is considering procuring a contractor for Phase A with the option to extend to Phase B, and is seeking feedback from the market on this approach via a soft market testing exercise. We intend to hold a bidder’s day to provide further information on the scheme in Summer/Autumn 2021, details of which will be issued when confirmed. The Council and the design team will use this session to present the scheme and answer any queries.
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