66000000: Financial and insurance services
Detailed information about the contract
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On behalf of the North East LEP (the "LEP") (see section II.2.14 of this notice), North Tyneside Council (the "Council") is conducting a procurement in respect of the LEP's Commercial Property Investment Fund ("CPIF") to unlock development opportunities in the region and to generate returns to be reinvested in future development funding opportunities. The Council/LEP are hosting a market consultation exercise (pursuant to Regulation 40 Public Contracts Regulations 2015), via Microsoft Teams, between 7 and 8 June 2021 in order to inform the market of the CPIF and LEP's requirement for a manager of the estimated £50 million fund (comprising £35 million debt finance and £15 million incentive funding). Further details are contained in sections II.2.4 and II.2.14 as well as a preliminary market consultation document available at the address in section I.3 of this notice.
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