Green Homes Grants - Local Authority Delivery (Phase 2) - Market Engagement and update

71000000: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services

Contract details

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Green Homes Grants - Local Authority Delivery (Phase 2) - Market Engagement and update

WECA is publishing this notice to invite market engagement only and this notice is not a call for competition. Project summary: The South West Energy Hub is hosted by the West of England Combined Authority and supports organisations across the wider South West of England to identify, develop and implement energy projects. It has been tasked by the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to deliver the Green Homes Grants (GHG) Local Authority Delivery (LAD) Phase 2. GHG was announced in the Chancellor’s Summer Economic Update in July 2020 as part of a green recovery. This £2bn programme will include £1.5bn of retrofit grants, available as vouchers directly to homeowners and landlords; and £0.5bn for fuel poor households, delivered as GHG LAD, through BEIS and the five Energy Hubs across the country. BEIS allocated a Phase 1 grant pot of £200m for immediate delivery in 2020/21, which local authorities bid for directly to BEIS; followed by Phase 2 of £300m which will be delivered through the Energy Hubs. GHG LAD will help low income households improve the energy efficiency of their homes and reduce their energy bills. A low income is defined as those with a combined household income of no more than £30,000. Eligible homes will be those with Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) rated E, F or G and D (up to 50% of the SW Energy Hub area). Households in any tenure will be eligible. It is anticipated that the energy efficiency and clean heating measures installed will cost no more than £10,000 per property on average (for owner occupiers). Social and private landlords will be expected to match fund at least 33%, with grant limited to a £5k average. The strategic objectives for GHG LAD are: • Achieving net zero carbon emissions in the UK by 2050 • Delivering a green recovery from COVID-19 • Meeting the Fuel Poverty Target for England to raise poor quality homes to EPC B and C • Decarbonising heat Update: We have concluded a recent procurement exercise which did not result in complete contract coverage so we are now re-engaging with the market to help refine our options. We are particularly interested to engage with: • Delivery agents/scheme administrators • Householder engagement organisations • Retrofit co-ordinators • Retrofit assessors/auditors Should you wish to participate in this exercise please click the following link to view the presentation and questionnaire: Failure to engage with this process will not preclude or disadvantage any bidder in any possible future procurement process.

West of England Combined Authority
Date Published
71000000: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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