80000000: Education and training services
Detailed information about the contract
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This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is for next set (Tranche 3) of Army Apprenticeship Cap Badge Main Service Provider Contract Opportunities. The Army Apprenticeship Programme (AAP) provides apprenticeships to 15 Cap Badges across the Army, each Cap Badge runs multiple Standards to enable them to offer a high-quality Apprenticeship Programme for their soldiers. The Army was rated No. 1 Apprenticeship Employer in the 2023 Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers list. The Future Opportunities included under this PIN for Tranche 3 are as follows: 711411450 - Royal Logistic Corps and Catering Training Wing combined contract (RLC/CTW) 711410455 - Adjutant General’s Corps Staff and Personnel Services Branch, Royal Military Police combined contract (SPS/RMP) 711407450 - Royal Armoured Corps and Royal Army Veterinary Corps combined contract (RAC/RAVC)
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