Photography Services

79960000: Photographic and ancillary services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Photography Services

This is a Soft Market Engagement exercise in order to gauge the market interest of bidding to be appointed on a Framework for the use of Photographers for the University. This will be a written exercise and we are seeking responses to be submitted via a questionnaire that can be obtained via the University's procurement Portal (In-Tend), the link for which will be included in this notice. The University's Communications and Marketing team produces a variety of content such as the prospectus, course brochures, student recruitment materials, social media posts, email marketing, digital ads, direct mail, posters, magazines, and advertising. They also oversee the University's website and images. High-quality photographs are important to support print and digital materials and showcase university life, world-leading teaching and research, and staff, student, and alumni profiles - therefore professional photographers are needed for this Framework. Lot 1 - High End Photography - It is our intention to appoint 3 Suppliers - Value of £30k a year. Lot 2 - Smaller / quick turnaround photography jobs (Profile shots, press and event photography) - It is our intention to appoint 3 Suppliers - Value of £30k a year. It is expected that the duration of the Contract will not exceed 4 years. It is not yet decided which tender procedure will be used but it is envisaged it will either be an Open or Restricted procedure. Any interested parties can complete the SME (Soft Market Engagement) Questionnaire and return via the University's procurement portal In-Tend no later than midday on 05/05/2023. The University may decide to contact some, any or all of the organisations that are participating in this soft market engagement exercise to obtain further detail or clarification. Potential suppliers shall be solely responsible for any costs which they incur as a result of participating in any aspect of this market engagement exercise. Please Note: The University is conducting this soft market engagement exercise to allow interested parties, with appropriate experience, to outline their views and provide impartial information to the University with no commitment to themselves or the University. This is not a call for competition at this stage.

Date Published
79960000: Photographic and ancillary services
£240.0K GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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