98000000: Other community, social and personal services
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Holiday Clubs will provide enriching activities and a nutritious meal from an appropriate location. We know many organisations may only be able to supply some of these requirements, and so applications are welcomed from groups of organisations working in partnership to deliver Holiday Clubs. We are seeking submissions to provide Holiday Clubs for 5 weeks during the Summer holidays, one week during the Autumn half term and one week at Christmas. The application form will be available to download from our website from noon on the 1st June 2021. Please follow this link: https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/healthy-holidays-clubs We will be holding two market engagement events via Microsoft Teams events on the 1st June at 3pm and the 2nd June at 1pm, which will include an opportunity to network with other organisations seeking to enter partnerships. To register and receive the joining details for either of these events, please send an email to: HAFApplications@barnsley.gov.uk Key dates: 01/06/2021 - Application form available to download 01/06/2021 – Market engagement session 02/06/2021 - Market engagement session 11/06/2021 – Closing date for applications 21/06/2021 – Successful applications notified
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