66150000: Financial markets administration services
Detailed information about the contract
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BEIS invites suppliers to a 2nd market engagement session ahead of its intention to publish an invitation to tender for the procurement of a delivery partner (via the CCS Grant Administration Services DPS (RM6172) for the Green Heat Network Fund (GHNF). GHNF is a targeted financial grants scheme to enable and incentivise transition of new and existing heat networks to low carbon technologies.
The scope of the delivery partner role will include (not an exhaustive list):
-Technical assessment of Heat Network Projects
-leading on business development activities/ application administration
-grant administration and investment decision function
-E2E project management for the grant scheme
-technical, legal, and engineering skills/knowledge relevant to the Heat Networks sector
BEIS is interested in engaging/attracting a diverse supplier pool with a range of expert and technical expertise capable and interested in the the above role.
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